Шаблон YT Horizon для CMS Joomla от YOOTheme

Шаблон Joomla YT Horizon

  • Совместим с Joomla 1.5
  • СтудияYOOTheme
  • Добавлен01 января, 2007
0  4118

You can choose between Splitmenu or Suckerfish menu. It includes many web 2.0 features such as Slimbox/Lightbox and Reflection, a Styleswitcher for font and width resizing with a smooth sliding effect and a 2-column layout with many module positions and variations based on a full collapsible module architecture and many more...

Шаблон JA Bellatrix для CMS Joomla от JoomlArt

Шаблон Joomla JA Bellatrix

  • Совместим с Joomla 1.5
  • СтудияJoomlArt
  • Добавлен22 декабря, 2006
0  5351

"Though coming a little behind the regular schedule, JA Bellatrix may be the best Joomla template in our 2006 series.." said Hung Dinh - JoomlArt Founder and CEO

Шаблон RT Elixer 2 для CMS Joomla от RocketTheme

Шаблон Joomla RT Elixer 2

  • Совместим с Joomla 1.5
  • СтудияRocketTheme
  • Добавлен01 декабря, 2006
0  3887

Elixer2.0 provides more content styles than ever! You’ll be able to create killer looking content without even trying. Lots of great features as usual including Slimbox integration, SplitMenu, custom login module, and much, much more.

Шаблон JA Antares для CMS Joomla от JoomlArt

Шаблон Joomla JA Antares

  • Совместим с Joomla 1.5
  • СтудияJoomlArt
  • Добавлен01 декабря, 2006
0  4412

JA Antares - is newly featured with an independent built-in header module New! which enhances flexible customization in practical use of the template towards a clean and professional sport theme with dynamic eye catching Flash/DHTML

Шаблон JA Sargas для CMS Joomla от JoomlArt

Шаблон Joomla JA Sargas

  • Совместим с Joomla 1.5
  • СтудияJoomlArt
  • Добавлен15 ноября, 2006
0  4021

JA Sargas will be the perfect choice when flexibility of customization is important. With an elegant and artistic design in 3 color options {Blue (default), Green and Yellow}, the overall design of the template making use of a single header background, and a small decorative image with a divider, this template has it all! More packages (business and Christmas styles) including all of those images will be provided within this November release.

Шаблон JS Velvet для CMS Joomla от JoomlaShack

Шаблон Joomla JS Velvet

  • Совместим с
  • СтудияJoomlaShack
  • Добавлен15 ноября, 2006
0  2978

JS Velvet - Joomla template. JS Velvet is a free Joomla template in red with a "red velvet-like" theme.

Шаблон NJ Musashi для CMS Joomla от NeoJoomla

Шаблон Joomla NJ Musashi

  • Совместим с
  • СтудияNeoJoomla
  • Добавлен13 ноября, 2006
0  5882

Musashi is a template based on the country of the raising sun, it applies mainly to a Japanese environment but can be easily used for Asian websites.

Шаблон RT Trooper Series для CMS Joomla от RocketTheme

Шаблон Joomla RT Trooper Series

  • Совместим с
  • СтудияRocketTheme
  • Добавлен01 ноября, 2006
0  6195

Shock/StormTrooper has been designed from the ground up as a gaming or advanced technology template. We've been inundated with requests for more gaming style templates, so this month we teamed up with Kevin Ducommun to create the de-facto Joomla gaming design.