Шаблон JA Villadi для CMS Joomla от JoomlArt

Шаблон Joomla JA Villadi

  • Совместим с Joomla 1.5
  • СтудияJoomlArt
  • Добавлен02 марта, 2007
0  3493

Following the color-based design trend of Xenia Gamer, we are pleased to introduce our first template of Mar 07'- JA Villadi. While our former template series tended to deliver light colors as primary themes for the toward-simplicity style, this vibrant template adds more weight to color diversification than our previous Joomla club templates by using three main colors: Blue, Orange and Green.

  • Размер шаблона: 13.56
  • В архиве: JA_Villadi_extensions_1.5.zip, JA_Villadi_source_files.zip, JA_Villadi_template_1.5.zip, JA_Villadi_quickstart_1.5.15.zip
  • Скачать шаблон JA Villadi с Шаблон в процессе загрузки...