Шаблон JV Irrit для CMS Joomla от JoomlaVision

Шаблон Joomla JV Irrit

  • Совместим с Joomla 1.5
  • СтудияJoomlaVision
  • Добавлен03 апреля, 2010
0  3481

You have chosen and applied themes of JoomlaVision so we have chance to become the reliable companion to your success. In order to express sincere thanks to this co-operation, we would like to offer you a long-nurtured gift – JV Irrit, on Labor Day as a bonus theme for every two in-April released themes downloaded by you.

  • Размер шаблона: 13.61
  • В архиве: JV_Irrit_extensions_1.5.zip, JV_Irrit_source_files.zip, JV_Irrit_template_1.5.zip, JV_Irrit_quickstart_1.5.17.zip
  • Скачать шаблон JV Irrit с Шаблон в процессе загрузки...