Шаблон JV Thrina для CMS Joomla от JoomlaVision

Шаблон Joomla JV Thrina

  • Совместим с Joomla 1.7 / 2.5 Joomla 1.5
  • СтудияJoomlaVision
  • Добавлен02 мая, 2010
0  5926

Since the release, Termino has received much support from regular webmasters as well as several new ones. For further success after Termino, we have developed and introduced the second in May published template of JoomlaVision.Com called JV Thrina which contains all the necessary advantages so as to meet even the most fastidious webmasters’ requirements and to suit various types of sites such as corporate, business, companies as well as personnel ones.


СКАЧАТЬ JV Thrina 2.5

  • Размер шаблона: 11.32
  • В архиве: ZT-Thrina-25.zip
  • Скачать шаблон JV Thrina с файлового хранилища

  • Размер шаблона: 11.32
  • В архиве: JV_Thrina_quickstart_1.5.17.zip, JV_Thrina_source_files.zip, JV_Thrina_template_1.5.zip
  • Скачать шаблон JV Thrina с Шаблон в процессе загрузки...