Шаблон JXTC ClubLife для CMS Joomla от JoomlaXTC

Шаблон Joomla JXTC ClubLife

  • Совместим с Joomla 1.5
  • СтудияJoomlaXTC
  • Добавлен02 мая, 2010
0  6233

JoomlaXTC Clublife - The ultimate nightlife and club guide! Designed for fast loading and pure Content Management, Clublife is feature packed with some of the hottest advancements in CSS styling including CSS3 corner radius control (not available in IE currently, c'mon IE9! Hurry up!). The multiple styles create much more than a nightclub template - Clublife can be used as a Blog, Directory, Shop or almost anything your mind can dream up!

  • Размер шаблона: 56.13
  • В архиве: JXTC_ClubLife_template_1.5.zip, JXTC_ClubLife_Themes.zip, JXTC_ClubLife_quickstart_1.5.17.zip
  • Скачать шаблон JXTC ClubLife с Шаблон в процессе загрузки...