Шаблон S5 Duoplate для CMS Joomla от Shape5

Шаблон Joomla S5 Duoplate

  • Совместим с Joomla 1.5
  • СтудияShape5
  • Добавлен01 марта, 2008
0  7532

What does Duoplate mean? Well its two templates in one. You can choose from either a church or band styled theme. Along with these feature this template comes packed with many more! We include the S5 Horizontal Scroll, S5 No-MooMenu, S5 Drop Down, S5 Tab Show and for the first time we introduce the S5 Box Slide!

  • Размер шаблона: 26.97
  • В архиве: S5_Duoplate_band_PSD.zip, S5_Duoplate_church_PSD.zip, S5_Duoplate_TakeTwo_PSD.zip, S5_Duoplate_sql.zip, S5_Duoplate_template_1.5.zip, S5_Duoplate_TakeTwo_template_1.5.zip
  • Скачать шаблон S5 Duoplate с Шаблон в процессе загрузки...